CONSURV apply our extensive experience with Building Pathology to investigate, diagnose and recommend the safest and most cost effective path for your buildings current and future safety. Our first procedure is nearly ALWAYS a moisture test. We are the third party who will give real world practical advise on the safest most cost effective repair and maintenance for you, your employees and customers alike. From our beginnings in Building Conservation, our thorough Scientific experience and extensive practical application of successful remedies make us the correct consultant for your new, recent and older buildings path in Health and Safety practice. 

Our Commercial/Industrial Services include:

We ensure that your building contractor take's the most cost effective path to correcting your Floor, Roof, Facade, Window or Building Envelope's condition. 

Condition Survey  Site Visit Request

Address of Building:
Has there been recent construction in the building
How old is your building:
Please Supply a preferred date for your site visit:
Your E-mail:*
Please supply your preferred telephone number below. *

From our beginnings in Building Conservation, our thorough Scientific experience, testing for moisture and extensive practical application of successful remedies make us the correct consultant for your new, recent and older buildings path in Health and Safety practice.

Roof Survey

Roof Survey

Serving as a protection from changing climates such as heat from the sun and heavy loads from the snow the roof need care. . . more

Floor Survey

Floor Survey

Consurv advice widely on repair works of the sub-standard floors and epoxy resins which are available on the market to consolidate existing floors rather than lifting and re-laying . . .more

Window Survey

Window Survey

Options will be offered on available films and protective coatings working in conjunction with window companies . . . more

Building Envelope

Building Envelope

Consurv advise on the most suitable options in for successful improvements of the building envelope performance and aesthetic appearance.

About Us

When conservation is a key factor we can bring our extensive experience to review Protected Structures with the ability to give accurate Historical Analysis with a view to Stone Conservation. Our teams skills make us a wise choice for Project Management and Health & Safety and Schedule of works in the Conservation field.

Get in Touch

Telephone: +353 (0) 47 80450

Conservation House, Gallagh,
Clontibret, Co. Monaghan.